
A writer will write no matter what, but thank God for a world full of readers.

It gives us hope, not just for books, but in the idea that people are still curious. They’re still excited by stories, and have a deeper interest in the lives of others. They have the power and toughness to imagine. 

Talking to people who still invest part of their lives in books is one of the best parts of my job. I especially love it when friendships are forged at these events, and when kids bring their parents, and sometimes even their grandparents, and vice-versa: it’s always something to see. An absolute privilege.

(Please note: I’ve asked for as many permissions as I could find here, but if you’d like to be taken out of the gallery, please let us know at the contact page. Similarly, if you have a photo from an event where we met, and would like it included, also let us know!)

