When Dogs Cry / Getting the Girl

It was Rube’s girls’ idea to make the beer ice blocks, not mine. Let’s start with that…

from mz

As some people know, When Dogs Cry has an alternative name…Back in 2001, the book was already published here in Australia when my USA publisher asked me to change the title, and even part of the plot. I used to joke when people asked, ‘So what do they want you to change?’ I’d say, ‘Oh, not much. Just the title, the plot and the characters…’ Which wasn’t too far from the truth. 

Which book do I prefer?

It doesn’t really matter; it was a steep learning curve, and showed some dedication. It’s not easy to finish a book in the first place, then trickier still to do rewrites and finish it a second time. I managed to find a way to arrive at the same resolution. Both books end on the same railway line, with Cameron carrying his brother home…  

Throughout that process, though, something else became clear. 

My mind wasn’t quite on this job.

These weren’t the kind of books I could write anymore, and it was time to move on.


from the publisher

‘You’re a bit of a lonely bastard, aren’t you?’ said Rube.

‘Yeah, I guess I am.’

But Cameron Wolfe is hungry. He’s sick of being the filthy, half-smiling, half-scowling underdog. He’s finally met a girl. He’s got words in his spirit. And now he’s out to prove that there’s nothing more beautiful than an underdog who’s willing to stand up.

A tough but poetic story by the acclaimed author of Fighting Ruben Wolfe.


final note

When Dogs Cry is the book I’m most ill at ease with, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I just recognised I was hanging on...Sure, I wanted Cameron Wolfe to get the rewards he deserved, but I was ready for new and necessary challenges. The time had come to attempt what it’s all about – to start something I wasn’t sure I could write. A step into the unknown.


The Messenger / I am the Messenger


Fighting Ruben Wolfe